Archive for June, 2008

Sleeping peacefully

Sunday, June 29th, 2008

6 days old

Heading Home

Thursday, June 26th, 2008

It is Thursday afternoon and we have just been discharged with our little bundle of joy. Game On!


Wednesday, June 25th, 2008

Zackariah Sage Seidler!

First Name: Zackariah…Means Lord Remembers (In Hebrew)
Middle Name : Sage…Means Wise (Botanical origins)
Last Name: Seidler…no choice

Other important cultural names:
Hebrew name: Levi…Means Harmonious (Named in honor of Jason’s Maternal Grandmother Lillie who recently passed)
Chinese name: Siu Ming…Means Little Sunshine (Was named in Chinese tradition by Gina’s mother Dolly.

Birth Stats:
Born: Sunday, June 22, 2008
Birth Weight: 7 lbs, 2 oz.
Birth Length: 19 inches
Birth Time: 7:59am

Zodiac sign: Cancer the Crab
cancer sun
cancer rising
aquarius moon

Proud Parents,
Gina & Jason

Gina freshens up

Wednesday, June 25th, 2008

Its Tuesday afternoon and we’ve almost decided our little boy’s name. Gina started the day with her first shower and then we got visits from Sirena, Anne, Matt, Heather, David, Faye, Nonna, Poppy, Angela, and finally Eric, Andy and Oscar. It was a big day for all of us and we are feeling like we are beginning to get the hang of things. Thank you all so much for the blog comments and phone calls, we hope to connect soon. As of today, it looks like we will return home Thursday afternoon. Stay tuned for the baby’s name tomorrow.

Pau Pau & Uncle Eric

Monday, June 23rd, 2008

Gina’s mom and brother have just arrived to meet their newest family member. Pau Pau (grandma in Chinese) and baby took to each other immediately. Every moment keeps getting better and better.

Gina is smitten

Monday, June 23rd, 2008

A few more photos

Monday, June 23rd, 2008

Thanks to my amazing Mac Daddy

Monday morning, sweet as sugar

Monday, June 23rd, 2008

Its Monday morning and the Seidler Fong family is recovering well. Gina ate her first real food in over 2.5 days late last night and again this morning. The heavy medications have worn off and Gina has returned to her body and beautiful self. Thanks to the nurses helping G last night I was able to sleep for my first time as well…7 hours! Gina wanted me to tell everyone how amazing it is to feel connected to all of you and she loves the emails and messages. Mom and baby have had 5 successful breast feedings and the three various doctors have given her a great checkup. Baby got an APGAR score of 9.9/10 which is basically how badass a baby is at birth but ultimately means nothing. We will probably be here until Wed./Thurs. and you are welcome to come stop by later today or best yet anytime tomorrow. Please call me before stopping by to let us know if you want stop by today as Gina is still very low on energy and saving it all for baby. We love our community so much, we are lucky duckies.

Nonna & Poppy strike gold

Sunday, June 22nd, 2008

Its 10am and our beautiful healthy baby just met his grandparents. We can’t wait for the rest of you to meet our newest playmate as well.

Good latch

Sunday, June 22nd, 2008

Breastfeeding has begun.

Healthy mom, healthy baby

Sunday, June 22nd, 2008

No name yet. Officially 7.2 oz and 19 inches. Born at 7:59am. I am in love, again.

Its a boy

Sunday, June 22nd, 2008

Officially born at 7:59am.

Going in

Sunday, June 22nd, 2008

Send waves of light our way.

7:30am – going in for a c-section

Sunday, June 22nd, 2008

Baby finally on the way. Will a little boy or girl change our lives?

6:24am, warrior princess

Sunday, June 22nd, 2008

Jessica stayed up with Gina the last 4 hours while I got some sleep. Gina has made progress and the baby has turned transverse, which is halfway but not wholeway. Our dr is coming to check her at 7am and we will either start pushing or talk c-section.

Excitement never ends 1:30am

Sunday, June 22nd, 2008

Gina is doing great and the baby is also doing great. However, we just got word that our baby is sunnyside up and that was likely the cause of the slow progression in labor. So first we tilt Gina gently bacward on the bed to reverse gravity and labor and now we flip and flop Gina back and forth every half an hour to see if the baby will naturally turn sunnyside down. If the baby doesn’t turn, a vaginal birth is still possible but heightens the chance for a c- section. Whoever is up and reading this, join us in a vision of baby naturally flipping over. Talk to you in a few hours.

Getting some rest

Sunday, June 22nd, 2008

Gina is laboring like a champ, we are trying to get her to sleep (I have no idea how that works) in hopes she can regain some energy for the next big step. Last check at midnight she was 6cm and slowly moving toward the magic number 10.

E is for epidural

Sunday, June 22nd, 2008

Its now 10pm and Gina is a whole new woman. She went from the deepest moaning and pain I’ve ever seen to cracking jokes at the anesthesiologist. We just heard our great friends Leah & Patrick are also in labor so we are sending our spare energy their way and would love for our kids to share the same birthday. Stay tuned for the next update, we should have a beautiful baby before the sunrise.

Sleep for Gina

Saturday, June 21st, 2008

After 13 hours of continuous labor it was time for Gina to get a little sleep. We all agreed that some pain reliever was in order so we agreed to a small dose of phentenol and a small dose of pitosin because after 4 hours her cervix had not changed past 4cm when we arrived but her contractions have been continuing non stop. Hopefully she awakes in an hour and we can begin to think about pushing.
Loving you all

Still 4cm, contractions getting stronger

Saturday, June 21st, 2008

Our actual dr. is now on call so that feels good to know our dr. will deliver our baby. Gina is tired but doing well. If there were ever a time, now’s the time to send your magic to Gina.