Still 4cm, contractions getting stronger

Our actual dr. is now on call so that feels good to know our dr. will deliver our baby. Gina is tired but doing well. If there were ever a time, now’s the time to send your magic to Gina.

5 Responses to “Still 4cm, contractions getting stronger”

  1. Fern says:

    Miss G! I am all teary and happy and laughing and crying. I am with both of you and I will be with you all night long sending you strength.

  2. Aunt Janet & Uncle Paul says:

    Way to go can’t wait till I see you hold that bundle of JOY!!!!!!!

  3. stef says:

    Hey Gina & Jason- We are sending all of love and strength your way. We can’t wait to meet your little peanut.
    Love you,

  4. stef says:

    Hey Gina & Jason- We are sending all of our love and strength your way. We can’t wait to meet your little peanut.
    Love you,

  5. dad-eee says:

    shark, andy, oscar and i are sitting on the masket’s couch sending you our love. go G!!

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