E is for epidural

Its now 10pm and Gina is a whole new woman. She went from the deepest moaning and pain I’ve ever seen to cracking jokes at the anesthesiologist. We just heard our great friends Leah & Patrick are also in labor so we are sending our spare energy their way and would love for our kids to share the same birthday. Stay tuned for the next update, we should have a beautiful baby before the sunrise.

3 Responses to “E is for epidural”

  1. Sherri says:

    The anesthesiologist is your friend! I’m glad the pain has subsided and I’ll be checking all night until that baby is born. E is for excited!

  2. hebbe says:

    I love you, addie loves you and steve loves you – QUACK ! We are looking forward to meeting the little baby in the morning.

  3. bryan says:

    opening the portal wide my friends. catch that little bundle of starlight!

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