Excitement never ends 1:30am

Gina is doing great and the baby is also doing great. However, we just got word that our baby is sunnyside up and that was likely the cause of the slow progression in labor. So first we tilt Gina gently bacward on the bed to reverse gravity and labor and now we flip and flop Gina back and forth every half an hour to see if the baby will naturally turn sunnyside down. If the baby doesn’t turn, a vaginal birth is still possible but heightens the chance for a c- section. Whoever is up and reading this, join us in a vision of baby naturally flipping over. Talk to you in a few hours.

4 Responses to “Excitement never ends 1:30am”

  1. Poppy says:

    I’m dreaming of eggs jumping up in the plate and landing flipped over…

  2. hebbe says:

    thinking of you…

  3. eric says:

    up feeding oscar at 3:49am and thinking of you guys. keep the faith my friends.

  4. Gary "el cuzino" says:

    Thinking of you guys all last night. Said a prayer for a smooth delivery. Can’t wait to tell Maya she has a new (2nd) cousin!

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