Healthy mom, healthy baby

No name yet. Officially 7.2 oz and 19 inches. Born at 7:59am. I am in love, again.

14 Responses to “Healthy mom, healthy baby”

  1. ren says:

    ahhhhhhh – he’s beautiful beautiful beautiful and so are you all. yeah baby boy! yeah my little G! you are parents now my loves… what a blessing!

  2. ren says:

    cancer sun
    cancer rising
    aquarius moon

    beautiful boy
    beautiful mamma
    beautiful daddy
    beautiful family!

  3. Jen, Dave, Sinead & Cavan says:

    Yahooooo! Congratulations, we’re so happy for you. We can’t wait to meet him. You look gorgeous.

    D, J, S & C

  4. Matt and Heather says:

    I’m so proud of you both

  5. Rochelle says:

    Congratulations. Beautiful baby.

  6. Sej says:

    Sending congratulations and so much love to the three of you!

  7. MBV says:

    Yippee! YOU guys did it…what a team. Bienvenidos baby boy. Love Love Love The Saccos.

  8. Sam and Rylan says:

    Rylan says welcome to the party. We can’t wait to meet the little dude.

  9. Fern says:

    Congratulations! You did it. Welcome to you new little one. I love you and am so happy for you!!!!

  10. Erica says:

    Hurray hurray he’s soooooooooooo beautiful! Congratulations. Great Job Lovies! Can’t wait to meet him.

    love, boo

  11. mb says:

    declan and harper are excited to pounce on the little guy! congrats and please let us know if there is anything we can do… we are just a mile away.


  12. Tom says:

    yet another miracle – so sweet and perfect.


    And so begins another chapter in the amazing magical love story of G & J – now plus one, times a zillion!!!

    LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!


  13. Janelle says:

    hooray for little boys!!
    what an amazing journey you have all been on. so happy to see your beautiful shining, happy faces at the end of it. and now a new beginning that will rock your world.
    welcome to the magic of parenthood!
    we can’t wait to dote on you all.
    ~janelle, tim & henry

  14. Lisa says:

    Wow! He’s here already. I’m so happy for you guys! It’s an incredible journey starting a family. Enjoy you’re lovely baby boy and we can’t wait to meet him.
    much love coming your way!
    lisa,jeff, austin and emily

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