Monday morning, sweet as sugar

Its Monday morning and the Seidler Fong family is recovering well. Gina ate her first real food in over 2.5 days late last night and again this morning. The heavy medications have worn off and Gina has returned to her body and beautiful self. Thanks to the nurses helping G last night I was able to sleep for my first time as well…7 hours! Gina wanted me to tell everyone how amazing it is to feel connected to all of you and she loves the emails and messages. Mom and baby have had 5 successful breast feedings and the three various doctors have given her a great checkup. Baby got an APGAR score of 9.9/10 which is basically how badass a baby is at birth but ultimately means nothing. We will probably be here until Wed./Thurs. and you are welcome to come stop by later today or best yet anytime tomorrow. Please call me before stopping by to let us know if you want stop by today as Gina is still very low on energy and saving it all for baby. We love our community so much, we are lucky duckies.

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