Archive for December, 2008

Dear Zackariah Sage…

Tuesday, December 23rd, 2008



laughing Z

laughing Z

From Cheeks to Chubby Cheeks!

From Cheeks to Chubby Cheeks!



Mommy LOVES me!

Mommy LOVES me!

Dear Zackariah Sage,

it was your six month birthday yesterday.  happy half year, my love. i’ve been meaning to write you a letter for months, but the truth is, mommy is very sappy, and every time i thought about it and started to write it in my mind, my heart would burst with LOVE for you and i’d start crying.  happy tears, from my leaky heart that has only grown fuller since your arrival.  i gotta admit, getting you here was tough, but that’s another story, and what matters most, is that you were well worth every bit of work and pain, because you have been nothing but a JOY.  i’ve loved every minute of taking care of you.  i thank you so much for answering mommy’s call and choosing your daddy and i as your guardians and guides on this beautiful earth ship.  i am ready to learn from you and promise to teach you as much as i know about being a happy, creative, loving and connected being of this planet.

i want you to know that you were born out of the LOVE MAGIC that your daddy and i have created together. i LOVE your pappa, sooooo much.  the first and most important gift i’ve given you my son, is a great father. your father is a truly special man and you will come to know this well. i love, trust, honor and respect your daddy, Jason, more than words can say.  

i want you know how much love surrounds you.  our entire family lights up when you are near. you’ve brought us all together in happiness and laughter, helping us to heal emotional wounds that were left untended.  

your family loves spending time with you.  your nonna loves singing you songs from the big bag of nursery rhymes in her heart.  your poppy, comes over every Friday and loves walking you around the neighborhood, while mommy goes and takes a dance class.  your jomo, loves coming over to read to you in Chinese and hold you while watching the cars go by  on Moraga.  your jomo, my mother, originally gave you the name Siu Ming, which means Lil Sunshine, but a couple of months ago, she called and let us know she wanted to change your name to Dai Ming, which means Big Sunshine or Big Name…she thought the double entendre with Big Name would be more auspicious for you and as it turns out you are turning out to be a pretty big guy for your age.

i admit, i’m kinda obsessed with your cheeks and thighs, you’re just learning to sit up by yourself and haven’t started crawling yet, so you’re ridiculously juicy and deliciously plump.  i call you my FAT and HAPPY BUDDHA BABY, because your disposition and gentle nature have taught us all how sweet little moments of presence can be.  

i think i’ve also resisted writing this letter, as i know, that, alas, i have become that mother that can’t stop raving about her son.  it’s true, i think you are the cutest, brightest lil guy, i’ve ever known.  i am now officially that mother, who gushes about her kid and thinks his poop doesn’t stink… which yours actually doesn’t yet…as you’re still just on the boob.  i love nursing you. it’s been some of the sweetest cuddling and snuggles i’ve ever known.

some other skills you’re just now playing with, sometimes to the point of mini compulsions, are rolling over, like a banchi log roll style, and making razzberry sounds while spraying your spit everywhere.  i’m quite enamored with both skills, as only a mother can be.  you totally crack me up.  

i had no idea that i could love staring at your face so much.  when you were first born, the comments about who you resembled were pretty evenly split between, just like mommy, just like daddy and just like mommy and daddy combined.  i think you have daddy’s shaped head and lips and mostly mommy’s nose and eyes.  lately people have been saying they can’t believe how much you look like both of us.   to me,  every inch of you is precious and a miracle.  

i look forward to our life together as a family.  i promise to help you keep your heart and mind open, so that you can fulfill your highest potential, and lead a happy life, full of love, great relationships, laughter and joy.  Thanks again for choosing us Zackariah Sage.  Always know that Mommy loves you in ALL WAYS.!

Zackariah Sage – 6 months old & 20 pounds of PURE LOVE!

Monday, December 22nd, 2008


I'm a Lucky Ducky - Quack!

Our Lucky Ducky

Santa Baby

Santa Baby


Santa Baby Booty

Santa Baby Booty

Six Month Old Playboy!

Six Month Old Playboy!




Wow, our baby is six months old and twenty pounds! I finally got to do a mini-photo shoot with Z, since I had my trusted friend, Annie Mac to assist. It’s quite difficult (and dangerous) to do a photo shoot with a baby alone. I know I’ve been pretty sparse with the photos and posting to the blog, but I promise that in 2009, I will get better about posting new pictures and stories about our life as the Lucky Duckies.