Dear Z-baby,


7-months of of PureLoveChub!

7-months of of PureLoveChub!


The Year of the Ox has been fruitful for Dai Ming!

The Year of the Ox has been fruitful for Dai Ming!

My Sweet Baby Z,

I can’t believe you are nine months old today.  You continue to be the sweetest, cutest, bundle of chub and joy that I’ve ever had the pleasure of being around.  And, I must admit, taking care of you is pretty exhausting, but it’s totally a labor of love. I love being your mom.  Let’s see, I meant to post letters to you a bit more often, but mommy has been busy taking care of you and daddy, while launching her new career as an artist and teacher, so I’ll do my best to keep you up on your development since my last post. 

You started eating solid foods just after the beginning of the year, and you are a great eater.  So far, probably only because I haven’t let you try to feed yourself yet, you are extremely clean for a baby and you are a joy to feed because, you pretty much, like everything.  I adore your fluffy, downy, soft, full head of hair that goes every which way.  It reminds me of a 1970’s playboy. 

You started crawling two days past your seven month birthday, and you’ve been increasing your ability to get around adding the turbo speed to your crawl, along with a lot of standing and pulling up on legs and furniture and such.  Your daddy and I love hanging out in bed with you in the morning and just letting you crawl all over us and babble in your babyZ language.  At your doctor’s visit last week, you weighed in at twenty-one pounds, and you had grown two inches in body length.  You’re a very solid little guy.  

You got to spend your first Chinese New Year, the year of the Ox, with your Nonna and Poppy at your Auntie Anh’s family’s house, and you brought home lots of good fortune and lucky red envelopes from Anh’s generous family.

You still light up anyone you are around.  No one can resist your magnetic smile, engaging laugh, or shy charm.  I am deeply grateful we all have each other.  Thanks my son for being you.  Mommy loves you.


Crazy Hair Contest (we never entered)

Crazy Hair Contest (we never entered)

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