Archive for November, 2009

Dear Z-baby, You’re One Years Old!

Wednesday, November 11th, 2009

My dearest, sweet, Z-baby,

You turned one yesterday and you continue to be the light of my life.  I can’t express how much I LOVE being your mom. You are a true bundle of joy.  Although you started taking your first steps about a month ago, you basically dialed it in for your birthday and are now walking around faster than we can count your steps.  You still drop down to all fours if you need to partake in one of your favorite past times of chasing Simba kitty.  Some of the other ridiculously cute things you’re doing now are, pointing your finger straight in the air while exclaiming your name, Zackariah! You also are quite adept at saying daddy’s name and shout out, Hi Dad, and daddy, often.  My most favorite thing you picked up in the last week or so is giving me a kiss when I ask for one, if you’re in the mood of course.  You continue to eat like a champ and have a super sweet, buddha-like nature that the whole family loves being around.  Your grand-parents, Nona & Poppy, and Jomo, can’t get enough and adore your every move.  I am so grateful to be able to spend these precious early days with you. My heart grows bigger and stronger each moment I spend with you.  Thank you for one of the best and hardest years of my life.  I am a better person because of you.  May we continue to grow our love, knowledge and respect in our family together.  You are a special boy and mommy loves you in all ways, always.