Dear Zacky Sage,

You’re almost 17-months old, and you continue to light up all our lives!  Thank you.  We just visited your great grandparents, Pop Pop Aaron & Grandma Pearl, and you were such a sweetheart.  A great traveler, you played in between daddy and me on the way there and back, and I walked up and down the aisle in the Ergo to try to get you to sleep.  We had one of the best trips ever, flying to Baltimore and hanging out with the Seidlers. I loved watching you play with your GGPs.  You played with PopPop’s cane, and Grandma’s walker. You opened and shut the doors to the kitchen a hundred times.  You always gave us all great hugs and smiles!  You played on the pillows and the beds, had I-chats with Nona & Poppy and watched the Wiggles for the first time, thanks to Pop Pop’s introduction.  My top 10 memories of the trip are:

1.  Walking in to Pop Pop & Grandma’s and being able to tell you were right at home with them from all of the time you had already spent together on the computer I-chatting leading up to our trip.

2.  Pop Pop taking Z out for a ride on his GoGo cart!

3.  Z giving Grandma a hug in the office while we were all I-chatting!

4.  All of us at the play ground.

5.  Grandma telling me that she loved having us visit because we were not only family, but felt like friends.

6.  Grandma telling us in the car, that even though she had huge reservations and reluctance about going to our wedding in Mexico, that it was one of the best things she’s ever done, and she loved everything about it!

7.  Hanging out at Marc & Lauren’s with Aunt Caroline, Justin, Matt and Snowball, and our funny Harley photo shoot in the rain.

8.  Hearing Pop Pop refer to me as his granddaughter!  I’ve never really had that.

9.  You and Grandma dancing all the time!

10.  Jumping around on Pop & Grandma’s bed.

p.s.  You give the best hugs on the planet and are so full of love and life.  May you always remember the feeling you have now and be able to harness them at will.  Mommy loves you always, in all ways!

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