Peaceful moment

Shout out to Sirena Masket & Jessica (our doula & friend). I’d be lost without them. Our labor and birth angels.

7 Responses to “Peaceful moment”

  1. Maggels says:

    You can do this lil G!!!!! We are sending you strength and courage and LOVE LOVE LOVE. Ella is waiting for her sibling to arrive 🙂 Breathe and trust. we love you!!!!!xoxoxoxoxmag

  2. Maxi says:

    Go gina go! you’re strong and powerful and it will all be over soon! just keep breathing and know that we’re all thinking about you and loving you so big!!!!

  3. dad-ee says:

    we’d light a candle but its too hot out 🙂 the rubins are thinking of you!!

  4. David says:

    Whoa partner! G! I’m crazily excited for you both. All my love and energy are directed your way. 🙂

  5. Erica says:

    Oh my lovies!
    I am feeling you so much. You can do it little Gina!!!!! I am with you guys…
    Love, Boo

  6. mb says:

    hey there sister… thinking so much about you…remember that every contraction brings you closer to meeting one of the biggest loves of your life.

    can’t wait to meet that little being!

    love, mb

  7. Aunt Janet & Uncle Paul says:

    The biggest joy in your life will soon be with you

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