
Zackariah Sage Seidler!

First Name: Zackariah…Means Lord Remembers (In Hebrew)
Middle Name : Sage…Means Wise (Botanical origins)
Last Name: Seidler…no choice

Other important cultural names:
Hebrew name: Levi…Means Harmonious (Named in honor of Jason’s Maternal Grandmother Lillie who recently passed)
Chinese name: Siu Ming…Means Little Sunshine (Was named in Chinese tradition by Gina’s mother Dolly.

Birth Stats:
Born: Sunday, June 22, 2008
Birth Weight: 7 lbs, 2 oz.
Birth Length: 19 inches
Birth Time: 7:59am

Zodiac sign: Cancer the Crab
cancer sun
cancer rising
aquarius moon

Proud Parents,
Gina & Jason

6 Responses to “Introducing…”

  1. Wifey J says:

    I’m so glad we don’t have to call him “ol what’s his name”!!! Lovely name and descriptors. Again, we’re so happy for you. I’ve been thinking about you and checking the blog NON STOP awaiting this little guy’s name! I will call you soon. I can’t wait to talk to you and set Zackariah’s first play date with his buddy, Cavan and girlfriend (one of many, I’m sure), Nadie.
    Love you guys,

  2. Wifey J says:

    by the way…my sister, Michelle, called it on Sunday…”Sage”. funny, eh?

  3. ren says:

    dude…. that’s a seriously cool name!!! love it. love him. love you

  4. stef says:

    welcome zackariah (great name)- can’t wait to hug you all – have an easy trip home tomorrow and we will see you soon

  5. Cindy McCready says:

    WOW!!! Congrats on bringing another Seidler stud into this world-great job Gina! Of course Jason you were pretty awesome too. Love to all-can’t wait to see you. Love, Aunt Cindy PS Is he being called Zack or Zackariah?

  6. (NONNA) Marcia says:

    I love the way you announced his name. It gave so much meaning to who he is, his roots, and the love, protection and support that is surrounding him. NONNA

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