Archive for the ‘Baby Duck’ Category

Dear Zacky Sage,

Monday, October 18th, 2010

You’re almost 17-months old, and you continue to light up all our lives!  Thank you.  We just visited your great grandparents, Pop Pop Aaron & Grandma Pearl, and you were such a sweetheart.  A great traveler, you played in between daddy and me on the way there and back, and I walked up and down the aisle in the Ergo to try to get you to sleep.  We had one of the best trips ever, flying to Baltimore and hanging out with the Seidlers. I loved watching you play with your GGPs.  You played with PopPop’s cane, and Grandma’s walker. You opened and shut the doors to the kitchen a hundred times.  You always gave us all great hugs and smiles!  You played on the pillows and the beds, had I-chats with Nona & Poppy and watched the Wiggles for the first time, thanks to Pop Pop’s introduction.  My top 10 memories of the trip are:

1.  Walking in to Pop Pop & Grandma’s and being able to tell you were right at home with them from all of the time you had already spent together on the computer I-chatting leading up to our trip.

2.  Pop Pop taking Z out for a ride on his GoGo cart!

3.  Z giving Grandma a hug in the office while we were all I-chatting!

4.  All of us at the play ground.

5.  Grandma telling me that she loved having us visit because we were not only family, but felt like friends.

6.  Grandma telling us in the car, that even though she had huge reservations and reluctance about going to our wedding in Mexico, that it was one of the best things she’s ever done, and she loved everything about it!

7.  Hanging out at Marc & Lauren’s with Aunt Caroline, Justin, Matt and Snowball, and our funny Harley photo shoot in the rain.

8.  Hearing Pop Pop refer to me as his granddaughter!  I’ve never really had that.

9.  You and Grandma dancing all the time!

10.  Jumping around on Pop & Grandma’s bed.

p.s.  You give the best hugs on the planet and are so full of love and life.  May you always remember the feeling you have now and be able to harness them at will.  Mommy loves you always, in all ways!

Super Z is 2+ years old and a happy guy!

Monday, October 18th, 2010

Zackariah Sage having fun in his 2’s

Monday, October 18th, 2010
I'm Super Z!


Nona & Poppy’s Rack of Lambsay Birthday Dinner

Monday, October 18th, 2010

Dear Z Monkey, you are already over 2 years old!

Sunday, October 3rd, 2010

Dear Zackariah, my sweet, sweet, love!

I have been meaning to write you another letter, for oh let’s see, about a year now. However, I’ve just been having too much fun with you! There is so much to tell you about yourself at this age, but what is most important, is that you are a true, delight and such a gift to us all. Your love and enthusiasm for life is undeniable and contagious. You walk around saying YES and throwing your hands up for just about anything, from let’s go put on your socks, to let’s go to the park! You are now in preschool! You started going to Temple Sinai Preschool three days a week in the mornings. You have adjusted beautifully to school and seem to just be a happy, good natured, loving boy.  You actually walk around saying Happy, Happy. You are very active and physical and give me the best hugs and kisses ever! You walk all over town with me. You run fast, laugh easy, and are really starting to use your words like crazy. You went from a few words here and there to full sentences with proper articulation. None of us are surprised. You continue to beam your own magical blend of sparkle at me daily, and I am healed. You truly are a healer. I cherish everything about you, and am forever grateful to be your mother. I am so thankful that we have had so much time together the last couple of years. I feel like I gave birth to my perfect play buddy. You and your daddy are and will always be what is most precious to me. May your spirit continue to stay lighthearted, compassionate and loving, and may you always feel how deeply you are loved.

Dear Z-baby, You’re One Years Old!

Wednesday, November 11th, 2009

My dearest, sweet, Z-baby,

You turned one yesterday and you continue to be the light of my life.  I can’t express how much I LOVE being your mom. You are a true bundle of joy.  Although you started taking your first steps about a month ago, you basically dialed it in for your birthday and are now walking around faster than we can count your steps.  You still drop down to all fours if you need to partake in one of your favorite past times of chasing Simba kitty.  Some of the other ridiculously cute things you’re doing now are, pointing your finger straight in the air while exclaiming your name, Zackariah! You also are quite adept at saying daddy’s name and shout out, Hi Dad, and daddy, often.  My most favorite thing you picked up in the last week or so is giving me a kiss when I ask for one, if you’re in the mood of course.  You continue to eat like a champ and have a super sweet, buddha-like nature that the whole family loves being around.  Your grand-parents, Nona & Poppy, and Jomo, can’t get enough and adore your every move.  I am so grateful to be able to spend these precious early days with you. My heart grows bigger and stronger each moment I spend with you.  Thank you for one of the best and hardest years of my life.  I am a better person because of you.  May we continue to grow our love, knowledge and respect in our family together.  You are a special boy and mommy loves you in all ways, always.

Dear Z-baby,

Sunday, March 22nd, 2009


7-months of of PureLoveChub!

7-months of of PureLoveChub!


The Year of the Ox has been fruitful for Dai Ming!

The Year of the Ox has been fruitful for Dai Ming!

My Sweet Baby Z,

I can’t believe you are nine months old today.  You continue to be the sweetest, cutest, bundle of chub and joy that I’ve ever had the pleasure of being around.  And, I must admit, taking care of you is pretty exhausting, but it’s totally a labor of love. I love being your mom.  Let’s see, I meant to post letters to you a bit more often, but mommy has been busy taking care of you and daddy, while launching her new career as an artist and teacher, so I’ll do my best to keep you up on your development since my last post. 

You started eating solid foods just after the beginning of the year, and you are a great eater.  So far, probably only because I haven’t let you try to feed yourself yet, you are extremely clean for a baby and you are a joy to feed because, you pretty much, like everything.  I adore your fluffy, downy, soft, full head of hair that goes every which way.  It reminds me of a 1970’s playboy. 

You started crawling two days past your seven month birthday, and you’ve been increasing your ability to get around adding the turbo speed to your crawl, along with a lot of standing and pulling up on legs and furniture and such.  Your daddy and I love hanging out in bed with you in the morning and just letting you crawl all over us and babble in your babyZ language.  At your doctor’s visit last week, you weighed in at twenty-one pounds, and you had grown two inches in body length.  You’re a very solid little guy.  

You got to spend your first Chinese New Year, the year of the Ox, with your Nonna and Poppy at your Auntie Anh’s family’s house, and you brought home lots of good fortune and lucky red envelopes from Anh’s generous family.

You still light up anyone you are around.  No one can resist your magnetic smile, engaging laugh, or shy charm.  I am deeply grateful we all have each other.  Thanks my son for being you.  Mommy loves you.


Crazy Hair Contest (we never entered)

Crazy Hair Contest (we never entered)

Dear Zackariah Sage…

Tuesday, December 23rd, 2008



laughing Z

laughing Z

From Cheeks to Chubby Cheeks!

From Cheeks to Chubby Cheeks!



Mommy LOVES me!

Mommy LOVES me!

Dear Zackariah Sage,

it was your six month birthday yesterday.  happy half year, my love. i’ve been meaning to write you a letter for months, but the truth is, mommy is very sappy, and every time i thought about it and started to write it in my mind, my heart would burst with LOVE for you and i’d start crying.  happy tears, from my leaky heart that has only grown fuller since your arrival.  i gotta admit, getting you here was tough, but that’s another story, and what matters most, is that you were well worth every bit of work and pain, because you have been nothing but a JOY.  i’ve loved every minute of taking care of you.  i thank you so much for answering mommy’s call and choosing your daddy and i as your guardians and guides on this beautiful earth ship.  i am ready to learn from you and promise to teach you as much as i know about being a happy, creative, loving and connected being of this planet.

i want you to know that you were born out of the LOVE MAGIC that your daddy and i have created together. i LOVE your pappa, sooooo much.  the first and most important gift i’ve given you my son, is a great father. your father is a truly special man and you will come to know this well. i love, trust, honor and respect your daddy, Jason, more than words can say.  

i want you know how much love surrounds you.  our entire family lights up when you are near. you’ve brought us all together in happiness and laughter, helping us to heal emotional wounds that were left untended.  

your family loves spending time with you.  your nonna loves singing you songs from the big bag of nursery rhymes in her heart.  your poppy, comes over every Friday and loves walking you around the neighborhood, while mommy goes and takes a dance class.  your jomo, loves coming over to read to you in Chinese and hold you while watching the cars go by  on Moraga.  your jomo, my mother, originally gave you the name Siu Ming, which means Lil Sunshine, but a couple of months ago, she called and let us know she wanted to change your name to Dai Ming, which means Big Sunshine or Big Name…she thought the double entendre with Big Name would be more auspicious for you and as it turns out you are turning out to be a pretty big guy for your age.

i admit, i’m kinda obsessed with your cheeks and thighs, you’re just learning to sit up by yourself and haven’t started crawling yet, so you’re ridiculously juicy and deliciously plump.  i call you my FAT and HAPPY BUDDHA BABY, because your disposition and gentle nature have taught us all how sweet little moments of presence can be.  

i think i’ve also resisted writing this letter, as i know, that, alas, i have become that mother that can’t stop raving about her son.  it’s true, i think you are the cutest, brightest lil guy, i’ve ever known.  i am now officially that mother, who gushes about her kid and thinks his poop doesn’t stink… which yours actually doesn’t yet…as you’re still just on the boob.  i love nursing you. it’s been some of the sweetest cuddling and snuggles i’ve ever known.

some other skills you’re just now playing with, sometimes to the point of mini compulsions, are rolling over, like a banchi log roll style, and making razzberry sounds while spraying your spit everywhere.  i’m quite enamored with both skills, as only a mother can be.  you totally crack me up.  

i had no idea that i could love staring at your face so much.  when you were first born, the comments about who you resembled were pretty evenly split between, just like mommy, just like daddy and just like mommy and daddy combined.  i think you have daddy’s shaped head and lips and mostly mommy’s nose and eyes.  lately people have been saying they can’t believe how much you look like both of us.   to me,  every inch of you is precious and a miracle.  

i look forward to our life together as a family.  i promise to help you keep your heart and mind open, so that you can fulfill your highest potential, and lead a happy life, full of love, great relationships, laughter and joy.  Thanks again for choosing us Zackariah Sage.  Always know that Mommy loves you in ALL WAYS.!

Zackariah Sage – 6 months old & 20 pounds of PURE LOVE!

Monday, December 22nd, 2008


I'm a Lucky Ducky - Quack!

Our Lucky Ducky

Santa Baby

Santa Baby


Santa Baby Booty

Santa Baby Booty

Six Month Old Playboy!

Six Month Old Playboy!




Wow, our baby is six months old and twenty pounds! I finally got to do a mini-photo shoot with Z, since I had my trusted friend, Annie Mac to assist. It’s quite difficult (and dangerous) to do a photo shoot with a baby alone. I know I’ve been pretty sparse with the photos and posting to the blog, but I promise that in 2009, I will get better about posting new pictures and stories about our life as the Lucky Duckies.

Happy Thanksgiving

Thursday, November 27th, 2008

Our 20lb gobbler enjoys his first turkey day.

A little hope… Congratulations Obama family

Thursday, November 6th, 2008

Happy Halloween

Friday, October 31st, 2008

4 and a half months. Our little punkin’

Birthing the buddha (again)

Monday, October 20th, 2008

Just returned from Mandala Teacher’s training in Laguna Beach and am fired up to teach Mandala Painting/Sacred Art Workshops!  Here’s a photo of the Buddha picture that was birthed from me with the help of Spirit…just like my son Zackariah…my friend Heather recently gave me a reading describing Lil Z as the Buddha and I swear he’s been very Buddha like in nature since day one…he even came rising out of my belly from the Caesarean section in a crossed legged position akin to the Buddha’s and he’s quite “fat and happy” like the Buddha….anyway…the workshop rocked my world and was magical.  sending love and stay tuned for a mandala workshop coming to a city near you soon.

Gina's Buddha Painting from Mandala Teacher's Training in Laguna Beach


15 weeks

Wednesday, October 8th, 2008

12 weeks – somebunny is growing

Monday, September 15th, 2008

He just graduated to size 2-3 diapers and almost now fills out his first car seat 😉

Sleeping on mommy

Saturday, September 6th, 2008

10 weeks – 14lbs

Wednesday, September 3rd, 2008

8 week bundle of super cuteness

Sunday, August 17th, 2008

Mommy & Zackariah chillin

Sunday, August 10th, 2008

Morning Smiles

Saturday, August 9th, 2008