Getting some rest

June 22nd, 2008

Gina is laboring like a champ, we are trying to get her to sleep (I have no idea how that works) in hopes she can regain some energy for the next big step. Last check at midnight she was 6cm and slowly moving toward the magic number 10.

E is for epidural

June 22nd, 2008

Its now 10pm and Gina is a whole new woman. She went from the deepest moaning and pain I’ve ever seen to cracking jokes at the anesthesiologist. We just heard our great friends Leah & Patrick are also in labor so we are sending our spare energy their way and would love for our kids to share the same birthday. Stay tuned for the next update, we should have a beautiful baby before the sunrise.

Sleep for Gina

June 21st, 2008

After 13 hours of continuous labor it was time for Gina to get a little sleep. We all agreed that some pain reliever was in order so we agreed to a small dose of phentenol and a small dose of pitosin because after 4 hours her cervix had not changed past 4cm when we arrived but her contractions have been continuing non stop. Hopefully she awakes in an hour and we can begin to think about pushing.
Loving you all

Still 4cm, contractions getting stronger

June 21st, 2008

Our actual dr. is now on call so that feels good to know our dr. will deliver our baby. Gina is tired but doing well. If there were ever a time, now’s the time to send your magic to Gina.

Laboring in the hot tub

June 21st, 2008

We got the deluxe room at our hospital, woohoo! What you cannot see is Gina in the hot tub, doing much better than earlier when she was in the bed. She is progressing well and it feels like we may have our baby before the day is over. With that said, what the hell do I know about labor. I’m just hoping the baby comes when its ready. We do not know the sex, should be an amazing surprise at the end of the road.

Peaceful moment

June 21st, 2008

Shout out to Sirena Masket & Jessica (our doula & friend). I’d be lost without them. Our labor and birth angels.

4cm & 90% effaced

June 21st, 2008

We are at the hospital with Sirena & Jessica (our doula). Gina is having contractions every 3 minutes and she is doing amazing. I love her so much.

Waiting at dr office week 38

June 19th, 2008

I thought I’d try writing a bit before the big day arrives. Everything is so calm and serene these days. We’ve done almost everything on our to do list and our changing table arrives today:-) I think its time to bank some sleep.

Gina looks amazing and I am so in love with her. Our relationship is magical.

Belly Henna

June 19th, 2008

37 weeks and counting…